Live in Ward 13

By 20 August 2020

We will explain in detail the atmosphere at a significant level; Ward 13 in the game, Remnant from the ashes.

About Ward 13

Ward 13 is an area in the game Remnant: from the ashes. This location serves as the core center of the game and is located on earth. At ward 13, we have diverse realms, where players can navigate.

There are several activities you need to engage in before you complete this ward. You will need to face several bosses and non-playing characters. Ward 13 is where merchants provide services like crafts and selling to players. You will need to locate the ward 13 key card at the founders’ hideout to move around this location.

Activities at Ward 13

Several events occur in ward 13 between merchants, survivors, and players.

The first noticeable activity is crafting. At department 13, merchant craft weapons and equipment and, in turn, sell them to players to confront the enemies by killing the bosses.

You can also engage in buying from merchants like Rigs, Ace, and Whispers. These merchants sell to you at ward 13. Whispers are in charge of Armour skins, and Rigs sell upgraded weapons while Ace sells crafting materials like iron.

Furthermore, you will need to find the ward 13 master key. This Master card will allow you to move into all rooms in the ward.

To complete the second level, you will need to go to the Tome of knowledge. However, this location is dark. So, you will have to get a fuse at the lower level, which will be inserted into the fuse box to power on the light.

Finally, after turning on the power, you will find the founders key, which will get you to the final level, where you interact with the computer to gain access into the mirror. After gaining access to the mirror, you will communicate briefly with the child before going up against the last boss.

We have explained what you will see when you access ward 13 in this game. Be vigilant!